
I just bought this plant and can't wait to learn how to care for it!

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This plant is relatively easy to care for! Here are my top tips:
- Put the plant in an area with indirect sunlight.
- Water the plant regularly, but don't overdo it. Check the surface of the soil and water when it looks dry. You might want to do it every week or two or check the soil daily if you're real
- Use a good potting mix with good drainage. Make sure the pot you choose has drainage holes.
- Set the temperature between 65 and 85° F, depending on what suits the plant best.
- Fertilize in the growing season, which is spring and summer.

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Like other aloe plants, this plant is easy to care for. It likes sunlight and moderate humidity. Water once every 10 days in a well-draining planting medium such as loam or sand.

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